New Sample Products

Since its first days, phpShop was shipping with Sample Products (Tools like a Chain Saw, Drill and Ladders). These Sample Products had also been imported into VirtueMart and they were never changed since then. We had the idea to build up a new "Sample Store" with different and more modern Products, but it has been very hard to make the right choice, until now-

In the Template Demo Site of you can find Templates for VirtueMart, which are demo'd with a custom Sample Store Inventory (iPods, iPhone + Mobile Phones). I just asked if we could use those for our new Sample Store and they agreed.

New Template for our Bundle: JA Larix

Much better than the new Sample Products is the new standard Template for our VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle: kindly allowed us to include their Larix Joomla! Template! Users will be allowed to modify it and use it on their own sites (redistribution and reselling is not allowed).

The VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle will soon be released with the new Template + sample Products, so stay tuned.