[Hotfix Update 4.2.12]
There was a problem with creation of invoices. The Locking boolean was not correctly set and/or wrongly read. At least we know what we have todo next to prevent coding traps.
The focus of this release was to identify and fix bugs. In addition, we added small enhancements for the Joomla 4/5 GUI. Tooltips should work again and opening a VM view in the backend opens the VM menu and minimises the joomla one.
We also invested a lot time in the routing process. It may be necessary to remove setting the itemid per layout file.
Please check this link for details https://dev.virtuemart.net/projects/virtuemart/repository/virtuemart/revisions/10996.
DOWNLOAD VirtueMart 4.2.8 with the Membership
All tables are changed to InnoDB. VirtueMart used before a mixed set. Tables which are most time just read were MyIsam and tables which are often read and write (like orders) used InnoDB. MyIsam has not been developed further for years and InnoDB has become faster for all tasks (don't pin me down to "all" of them). The provided server configurations won't pay attention to MyIsam (reserved RAM, for example), so now it seems the best time to switch to InnoDB for all VM tables.
We also worked with PayPal Checkout. The merchant onboarding process is sometimes not finished. We found out, that this is caused by popup blockers of the browsers, even without extra popup blocker plugins.
Housekeeping wise, despite all my personal efforts, the email server was still not running right. Reseting password did not work, so I enlisted the aid of our server admin and it is now fixed. Emails were received again at strict hosters. It turned out, everyting in our domain space was configured without www, except the email server. The fix broke emails a day before Easter and unfortunately the holidays meant that we did not identify the issue until a week later. This is software, the idea "Let's do it right, lets update anything" can result in some setbacks.
Thanks to our membership, we could contract Spirous Petrakis of yourgeek.gr and the next release will have a new Bootstrap 5 native VirtueMart template by Petrakis. This is no vaporware, the template will be offered to the core team for beta testing right after the release. Offering it to early would have delayed this important maintenance release.
Another result of the VM membership subscription is the multi image upload written by the team of 911websiterepair.com. It simplifies adding media, if you do not want to manipulate the existing one. But make sure that you store your product first!
General enhanced features
- Multi file image upload by 911websiterepair
- Classes for userfields by Gerald DWP
- Updated product module with option "any product" (by community input)
- Enhanced translation for custom drop down by GJC
- changed MyISAM to InnoDB
Fixes for Joomla 4/5 and PHP8.2
- Fixed seo link of products, category was missing
- Opening a VirtueMart backend view minimises the joomla menu automatically. There is an hidden config to disable it.
- Fixed tooltips in j5
- Updates for TcPDF for PHP8.2
- Added full path for vmvalidator to ensure loading in joomla 5
- Added lost empty option for select product detail layout in product edit
- Revenue, added VendorInformation for interval products
- Fixes for router to prevent unecessary "result" in the link and added more views to the whitelist
- Fixed router problems in j4, correct use of the preprocess. itemids are set correctly, removed unecessary or wrong Itemids from the layouts
- CouponHandler fixed foreach for allowed products, allowed categories
- Javascript, replaced all "delegate" against "on"
- Fixed that dropdown could not be used to add the same option twice
- Fixed removeable and draggable enhanced css
- Important fixes in the cart to ensure that the individual cart is correctly linked in the carts array
- fixed update of carts
- Model category, function getParents uses now a language depended cache
- Added itemid to pagination links
- Fixed manual installation of "shipping advanced"
- Small fixes for mediahandler, removed unecessary loads
- Fixed closeBtn to showCloseButton of fancybox
- Fixed checkFilterDir if given filterDir is empty
- Model users, send registration email only, if mail is active
- Fix for customfield Multichild in BE
- Fixed multichild variant with radios
- Fix for storing shipment address as guest
- Better check to allow shopper change, if already switched
- Fixed multichild variant with radios
- CalculationHelper added order by for loading rules
- added missing help icons and other minors for backend views
- Structural core fixes Important fix in VmModel function getData, uses reset if an array of ids is given Important fix for VmController
- function getStrByAcl, uses now the unfiltered POST data
- added vmJsApi::writeJS to correct places.
- calculationHelper added order by for loading rules
and a lot adjustments for php8.2, removed unused or dangerous code
For developers
- orderdone view has now the orderId
- getPluginMethods with new $userId dependence
- product Model added importVMPlugins to begin of function sortSearchListQuery
- added register of vmrouterHelper for autoloading cart helper
- Layout orderdone now set by cart->layout
- enhanced Exception message if sending of email fails
PayPal Checkout
- PayPal Checkout enhanced merchant onboarding. Added notice to disable popup blockers
- Minor fixes for PayPal function updateStatusForOneOrder called by PayPal now with triggers