
We are pleased to announce the release of VirtueMart 2.6.14 and VirtueMart 3.0.2.

Klik&Pay included in VirtueMartKlik & Pay is a holistic secured payment solution accessible via PC, tablets and/or smartphone. Partners with many Banks and International acquirers, Klik & Pay assists its merchants for 15 years, in France, Europe and all over the World. Klik & Pay is:

  • A global solution not requiring a DSA
  • A competitive pricing, without monthly fees nor set-up fee
  • An anti-fraud scoring linked to an account with or without 3D Secure
  • A multi-lingual staff available by telephone and email
  • A consulting service to help you to develop your business and assist you at an International level

Optimize your conversion rate:

  • Multi currencies cashing
  • Multi lingual payment pages
  • 3DS and non 3 DS merchant account with trigger point

Increase Sales:

  • Virtual Payment Terminal
  • Payment by email
  • Payment by SMS

Secure your activity:

  • Anti-fraud scoring system
  • Transaction Management
  • Litigation support

 Open an account or send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you already have a Klik & Pay merchant account, you can directly set it up using our payment plugin Klik & Pay provided in VirtueMart.

klikandpay screenshot

We worked a lot on the new Virtuemart 3.0.2 . The update should be easy. There will be a lot database changes, but they are many, but minor. It will increase the speed of your page noticeable. Bugs fixed:

  • increased consistency of the install.sql and reduced int size for better performance
  • extra attachment should now be sent to the shopper and not vendor as intended
  • added itemId to products
  • fixed "typo" in calculationh.php
  • vmJsApi the function addJScript is not anylonger overwriting the attribute "written" if exists already
  • set CacheTime to minutes
  • fixed javascript for tinyMce 4, removed the doubled // of the flag link
  • fixed typo in plugin.php
  • Better use of loading the xml parameter into the JForm (thx Kainhofer)
  • enhanced modals (thx Spyros)
  • sortSearchListQuery or products model uses getCurrentUser now to ensure that the correct id is set (Thank you Stan Scholtz)
  • removed a lot deprecated getSetError(s)
  • vmTable is not derived anylonger from JTable, derived functions added
  • optimised joomla tables for fullinstaller
  • Some more adjustments of VmTable for J3, using dummy interfaces
  • fixed spec file font problem, if no spec files there
  • users allowed to adminstrate shoppers can now also select shoppers in the cart
  • removed old comments, vmdebugs,...
  • changed all <span class="product-field-display"> to <div class="product-field-display">

We still support vm2.6 and there is also no EOL set yet. But new features will be found in VM3. The update to vm2.6.14 should be very user friendly. Bugs fixed:

  • jQuery fix for automatically redirection to payment providers
  • PDF works with diskcache now, less problems with images in invoice
  • works now also with extra ST address
  • small fixes, enhancements, removed typos for different payments