VirtueMart release pure bugfix release VM2.6.4

This is a pure bug release. The liveupdater did not work, so we replaced it by the joomla updater. We also checked the language loaders which should work now more robust. The cache returns the JTable object again. 

List of bugfixes:

  • Important Fix for vmtable. Cache gave back a standard object with the data. But before it was a JObject. The data is stored as standard object and bind to the table which is returned.
  • Reworked loading of language files in email and invoice
  • Correct language loader for plugins added
  • Small fix for loadJLang (reset of tested path)
  • Loading Be language, changed to FE language
  • Added replyto the shopper in vendor email
  • Akeeba liveupdater removed
  • xml for joomla updater added