We are pleased to announce the release of VirtueMart 2.6.12
Special Realex Offer
Realex Payments, one of Europe’s fastest growing payment solution providers, is delighted with its latest integration with Virtuemart, the free online shop solution. The integration with Virtuemart provides ecommerce merchants with a one-stop solution for merchant online payment processing. To mark this latest release, Realex Payments are offering 2 months FREE payment processing to all new VirtueMart merchants to their platform.
Improve your online conversions with Realex Payments’ latest shopping cart integration with VirtueMart.

Realex Payments are offering 2 months FREE payment processing to all new VirtueMart merchants to their platform.
Sign Up todayVirtueMart 3 almost ready to launch
We release VirtueMart 3 next week.
You have not tested yet? it is time to do it.
You think you found a bug? please report it on the forum.
Your are a 3rd party VirtueMart developer? Test your extension against the new version.
Updates and bug fixes VirtueMart 2.6.12
- Category tree cache considers language now
- Realex: handling503; incorrect eci being submitted when card type is mastercard and eci value returned is 2;returntovm: missing option com_virtuemart; 503 dont block transactions; invalid payment infos errorcode 509; maestro cards, redirect in case of payment details error; added partial refund and partial capture
- Klarna: ok with opc off; country names; company/private fixed
- Vmpdf uses folder VMPATH_ROOT instead of K_PATH_IMAGES
- Encrypted data is stored encrypted in vmtable cache
- Installation routine shows right options for fullinstaller
- VmTable, enhanced Cache and other optimisations
- Payments autosubmit jquery
- Added VMPATH_ROOT constants for compatibility with VM3
- Fixed recipient in invoice/view.html.php rendermaillayout
- Controller alias vmplg
- AIO: removed permission checking, list installed plugins
- Unpublished the uk states
- Permissions use joomla and/or virtuemart
- Storemanagers can edit orders now (as requested)
- Removed "displayed name" from order edit address
- Loadvmtemplatestyle should now always load the fe style even fired from BE
- Preloading js
- Enhanced Registration email added address,
- Fixed typo in config/checkout
- Vmtable: added bindto
- _getlayoutpath: checks if layout is in plugin folder and then plugin subfolder
- Access to update tools does not use issupervendor function anylonger
- Fixed error in shoppergroup list, that ordering for ids deleted the "default" shoppergroup
- Added order status list for desired attachment order status
- Readded to continue_link_html the class in the link class="continue continue_link"
- Added attachment for mail. Use attach_os as array in the config file for the desired orderstatus
- Added option reuseorders, also settable by config file.
- Minor in userfields load function
- Payments using json_encode
- Shopper group name in payment/shipment
- Just added the filter for the dot again (slug creation)
- Joomla update server fix