- Details
- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Category: About VirtueMart
- Hits: 746304
What is VirtueMart?
VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution (a Component or Plug-in) for the Joomla! Content Management System. It can be run as a Shopping Cart, or in Catalog mode.
You need to install Joomla! first (as the "Framework"), and then install & configure VirtueMart.
What exactly is VirtueMart?
VirtueMart is a complete eCommerce solution. It must be used together with the Content Management System Joomla!. Both are released under the GNU General Public License, which means by the end, they are free for download and use. Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made for easy use in a PHP / MySQL environment. All you need is to download the latest Joomla distribution from www.joomla.org and the VirtueMart package from this site. Joomla provides the Core System and the Framework, which VirtueMart can use. So you can easily use a complete Shopping Cart Solution within your own dynamic Website ("Portal"), together with many other Plug-Ins, called Components and Modules, like Forums, FAQ, Guestbooks, Galleries........
Change the look and feel of your site by using the Templates for Joomla! Sites, which use CSS and XHTML......all these Templates and Plug-Ins are available on extensions.joomla.org (mostly for free).
Even if you think that you don't need a Portal or a "big" CMS - think about and just try it! You are more flexible with it.
How much does VirtueMart cost?
VirtueMart is free software released under the GNU General Public License. No limitations exist for VirtueMart. You can create and maintain a site with an unlimited number of categories, products, orders, customers, etc.
You are not allowed to sell software that includes parts of VirtueMart Code.
Who is behind VirtueMart?
VirtueMart currently has only a very small team. There are 3 to 5 active developers, who help evolve the Core System and update the Project's Open Program Sources. There are a lot of developers and active users on this forum who help pushing this Application forward into the right direction.
Where can I find documentation for VirtueMart?
Mostly in our Knowledgebase. Printable Documentation is available for End-Users and Developers.
Why do I need Joomla! ?
Joomla! is an extensible Content Management System that can be further enhanced by installing 3rd party Extensions - e.g. Components (like VirtueMart), Modules and Plugins. VirtueMart is a Joomla! "component" - so your need Joomla! to be already installed on your Server. The VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle is a modification of the official distribution of Joomla! with VirtueMart already pre-installed - so you don't have to first install and configure Joomla!, and then install VirtueMart.
I'm totally new to this. Where should I start?
Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS). It can be installed on your webserver and enables you to manage your whole website online (dynamic website!). If you need more basic information, it is recommended to visit the official website. JoomlaCode After you have informed yourself about the basics, you should download Joomla! and install it on your webserver. On joomlacode.org you can download the latest and older versions of Joomla! and other popular extensions. Joomla! Help Site The installation process for Joomla! is pretty easy and can be done even by non skilled persons. However - there is a very good documentation available covering all aspects of the system. Joomla! Forum Most of the Problems users have are related directly to Joomla!. If you still have questions or if you are searching for help from the community, you maybe want to join in some discussions in popular forums. Joomla! Extensions Directory
This is the official Joomla! Extensions Directory Site. If you are searching for a forum, a gallery, content modules, flash thingies or such, you should take a look at extensions.joomla.org.
About VirtueMart
It is completely integrated into a Content Management System (CMS) named Joomla (www.joomla.org). Joomla! and VirtueMArt written in PHP and made for easy use in a PHP / MySQL environment.
All you need is to download the actual Mambo distribution from www.mamboserver.com and the VirtueMart package from this site. Mambo provides the Core System and the Framework, which VirtueMart can use.
So you can easily use a complete Shopping Cart Solution within your own dynamic Website ("Portal"), together with
many other Plug-Ins, called Components and Modules, like Forums, FAQ, Guestbooks, Galleries........Change the look and feel of
your site by using the Templates for Mambo sites, which use CSS and X/HTML......all these Templates and Plug-Ins are available on forge.joomla.org or extensions.joomla.org (mostly
for free). Even if you think that you don't need a Portal or a
"big" CMS - think about and just try it! You are more flexible with it.