I am sorry guys, the last release was rushed by the security issue and I underestimated that testers were not testing due holidays, silvester and all that. This version now is tested very well. Many hours by different testers went into testing. I added a small tool, which fixes all images which lost the image property for you.
DOWNLOAD VirtueMart 4.4.6
NOW with a membership
Fixed/enhanced/enabled Feature
- Enabled registration on the first page of the BS5 native OPC
- Added small tool, which updates the "is image" property for all media
- Google drive images are working now (just enter the right link with https and set the "is image" checkbox)
- Fixed pagination issues. Pagination should now keep the keyword, or set tags
- Fixed order editing shipment tax
- Added hidden config searchEnabled.
- Fixed problem that people misused the notify list due following
- captcha "repaired" by just replacing the checked option notify_captcha against ask_captcha. This means that the options for the ask a question are used
- by checking if the feature is actually enabled
- by checking if the product is actually out of stock
read more here https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=152246.msg543829
For 3rd party developers maybe interesting
- Blocked writing of js if format is pdf, we never want js in our pdfs
- vmjsapi function setPath, the second param is special now and listens on the word "admin" (which cannot be a normal path) to indicate that the script must be loaded from the admin area
- Fixed problem with "is image" checkbox, which is now prechecked if the media is an image.
- Fixed captcha by removing second param of redirect
- JRoute, second param should be yes (use Xhtml)
- Fixed storing of user address if not in the checkout
- Vmvalidator is now loaded with defer true
- Product model, storing a product should not change the set filter of the list anylonger
- Fixed that sometimes a non published category was used
- Fixed precalculation of variants if an virtual empty option is used
- Router fixes for full category tree and withoiut and menu item and category name mixed mode
- bs5-stockandle layout replaced JFunctions against the vm ones
- Fix in model customfields preventing trim for null
- jQuery 3.7 needs "filter" not "find" (fixes ajax update if there are related products)