The VirtueMart team wish happy eastern. Some days ago, a small security issue appeared. As far as we know no one got trouble due it, anyway we fixed it. The issues create possibilities for vandalism and data griefing, then actually hacking your store. Therefore we advice everyone to update to vm2.0.4 as soon as possible.
VirtueMart 2.0.4 has various fixes and small enhancements to improve the usability.

Download VirtueMart 2.0.4

I am sorry to say that we had to change a bit the layouts of the templates and that 1-2 functions have a slighty different parameters now. To help templaters and developers, we created a change log page . This page is now also displayed directly in the liveupdater. We will also going to add a rss feed in the backend.

The long time promised manuals are on the way, you can read some free english tutorials by Kerry Watson. She is a book author since a long time for internet software and in special ecommerce systems. Interesting is her opinion about virtuemart 2: "I am getting pretty comfortable with the VirtueMart. I realize the lack of documentation is one of the problems people are having with the program". The tutorials are nice written and with good illustrations:
For the german speakers, there is already a manual written by DerHake further more the famous book of Martin Blaszyk by the publisher addison wesley is on the way.

A lot new extensions and various templates appeared already for VirtueMart 2. Valérie and Patrick will be at the j and beyond 201 to present the VirtueMart framework, which extends the joomla framework for ecommerce purposes. Extending VirtueMart 2 becomes easier and easier.

New features, or fixed ones:
- Fixed security issue with uncasted virtuemart_userinfo_id, and two other
- Fixed security issue, it was possible to reveal address data of other shoppers

- Migrator enhanced to migrate bigger shops, code is more robust now, and faster.
- Migrator has now an option to migrate the old vm1 order_ids as vm2 order_numbers

- Advice for the safe path in the config

- Added plugin triggers for userfields (euvatid, captcha)

- Fix, enhancements for paginations, ordering

- Product edit allows to enter the final price and calculates the cost price for you
- Product edit displays all children, when it has a the customfield "dynamic child variant" attached

- Text input plugin and similar working again

- Cart is now also rounding prices
- Cart shows now values according to quantity
- Internal rounding decimals increased.
- Reduce of cart session data

- Custom orderstatus are now better useable without code hack
- Template override of plugins

- Some country, states fixes
- Some router fixes
- Js uses its own namespace now, added different fixes for better compatibility

- Waiting list by Seyi Awofadeju

- And many other small fixes, enhancements not written

Enjoy Download VirtueMart 2.0.4