Just a note to my last news. The problem goes on, I just tried to install VirtueMart on the last joomla5.3 and it was not even possible to install it. On the other hand, it is funny to read the patch notes. One patch will fix an issue of joomla 5, but for j5.3, we solved it already in this release. The question is, why we have to solve something, which worked since vm2.6? After this release should be more time to work on WP and make some committs.

DOWNLOAD VirtueMart 4.4.2 with the Membership


  • Template vmBasic, Added register and checkout button, removed registration fields from cart view.
  • Bundles added option "orderableBrowse" for disabling add to car in listing
  • Added option calculateVariantsOnFreshLoad, which directly calculates the price for the selected variant (with php)
  • Fixed dragndrop for customs, products, categories, countries
  • Added missing states list and states edit layouts to new admin template
  • Hiddden config reuseorders, default is set to 0/off now

For developers

  • New variable to set origin debug state, vmEcho::$debugSet and vmEcho::$logDebugSet
  • VmEcho added check for function_exists('var_dump'), which is used if existing
  • VmJsApi function setPath, we add BE and FE override paths only if given, also added the override paths of the current admin template


  • Fixes for pagination in cowork with RuposTel, correct use of index.php and using categoryId via request over the one set in the menuItem
  • Fixed problem with jumping thumbs in product edit related products/categories
  • Enhanced table updater to work also with Index and better check which indexes should be modified
  • User model, unset register pw in case of fail in log
  • Added new pattern using vmEcho::$debugSet
  • Fixed old VmConfig::$_debug against VmEcho::$_debug
  • Customfields function calculateModificators added check for string before vmJsApi::safe_json_decode
  • xml format fixes
  • Translated text for "catalogue mode and accessing cart"
  • Textinputplugin checks letters only if there are some letters, fixed missing jQuery
  • Model customs function getCustoms, removed useless return as $data->items instead just as $data
  • Removed outdated dead code
  • PayPal Checkout fixed mix of dynamic and static calls
  • Use of new VmEcho debugSet pattern and new ppdebug