When installing VirtueMart into Joomla!, you mostly need to use the Web Uploader to upload the component and the modules. While the modules are quite small in size, the component installer is about 1.95MB. There has always been a nice possibility to transfer the files directly to your server instead of just downloading them to your computer and re-uploading it to your Server: the VirtueMart Remote Installer.
This remote installer has now been updated for Joomla! 1.5.
Please note that it is not compatible with Joomla! 1.0.
The VirtueMart Remote Installer is a separate component that transfers the component and module installer directly to your server and extracts the arcive - so you can install it from directory instantly.
{rokbox title=|VirtueMart Remote Installer :: Screenshot|}images/stories/screenshots/virtuemart_remoteinstaller.png{/rokbox}
Go an give it a try: Download VirtueMart Remote Installer (36kb).