Joomla! 1.5 - To upgrade or not to upgrade is the question. Doing the upgrade is not easy - because it's actually not a "simple" upgrade, but a migration. That means you must transfer all your content (and files) from an old Joomla! 1.0.x installation to a new Joomla 1.5 installation using a "migrator component".
To guide you through the basic steps of the migration I have modified and extended a presentation by Sam Moffat and added the steps about how to migrate with VirtueMart to a new Joomla! 1.5 installation.
Let us know your experience on this hot topic.
{GoogleDoc docid="0AZc9AHzAj56vZGhwNmtxeGhfMTlmdmJtdDJjYw" type="presentation" size="m" frameborder="0"}
PS: The Presentation was created using Google Docs and is hosted at Google. It was included on this page using a modified version of the Google Docs Content Plugin.