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- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Latest News
- Hits: 39185
Dear international User, this is a news for german speakers. The topic is just about the changes of the german virtuemart page.
Wie vielleicht einige bereits bemerkt haben, verweisst die virtuemart.de adresse auf die alte Seite von Media-service-essen.de. Die Vereinsseite ist weiterhin unter verein.virtuemart.de erreichbar. Der Grund für diese Änderung ist, dass der Verein und die Seite hauptsächlich von Sören Eberhard-Biermann verwaltet worden sind und es nicht möglich war adäquaten Ersatz zu finden. Allerdings wurden wir mehr und mehr auf Michael Schulzes Seite aufmerksam. Sie hat das best besuchte deutschsprachige Virtuemart Forum, alle News waren immer übersetzt, Erweiterungen werden vorgestellt. Also hat Michael das letzte Jahr viel der Arbeit getan, welche der Verein hätte leiten sollen. Da mehr und mehr Leute in Deutschland auf mich zu kamen und meinten Virtuemart wäre tot, weil sich ja auf virtuemart.de nichts mehr tut, war es an der Zeit dies zu ändern. Insbesondere wurde auch von vielen deutschsprachigen Usern der Mangel an einem spezialisierten Forum und einer gutgeführten Community Seite angebracht. Wir sind uns sehr sicher das Michael ein guter Verwalter für die Seite virtuemart.de ist und er einen ausgezeichnetes Relaunch der Seite durchgeführt hat.
Warum nicht auf virtuemart.net? Die offiziellen Seiten benötigen schon 5 Server. Würden wir alle Community seiten betreuen bräuchten wir mindestens 20 server. Zudem können wir den verschiedenen Eigenheiten der Länder mit unserer Organisationsgröße nicht gerecht werden. Wir können niemals für alle Länder so guten Support liefern, wie im Land ansässige Spezialisten. Daher ist das Ziel, daß jedes Land bzw eigene Sprache eine eigene Community Seite unterhält. VirtueMart ist organisch, nicht monolithisch.
Ein Blog Eintrag von Michael virtuemart-de-hat-neues-zuhause
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- Written by: Valérie Isaksen
- Category: Latest News
- Hits: 71018
VirtueMart 2.0.14 is out
While we are developing the new version 2.1, we will continue to provide regular, frequent updates of actual branche 2.0.x. We wont do any changes on the layouts. If we have to change them, we do this for 2.1. This release should be an easy update from 2.0.12
Download link: version 2.0.14
VirtueMart 2 seminar in Madrid from 21/11/2012 until 23/11/2012
You want to master VirtueMart2 ? Join our seminar in Alcala de Henares (near Madrid) from Wednesday 21.11 until Friday 23.11 face-to-face with the VirtueMart core team. The training is highly practical and hands-on, and will answer to all those questions: how can I customize products, set up new prices, extend the functionalities, optimize it, secure it …. The graduates will be certificate to be trained by the VirtueMart team, and listed as a silver certificated partner of VirtueMart 2 on our pages.
Books about VirtueMart 2
Several books about virtueMart 2 are already available.
Das offizielle VirtueMart 2-Buch by Martin Blasczyk
VirtueMart 2 - The Joomla shop! by Götz Nemeth
VirtueMart 2 - The Joomla shop! is another book written in german, by Götz Nemeth.
Götz Nemeth works as an IT manager and organizer of an online shop. He is also a freelance IT trainer, e-marketing developer and author. Store systems are his specialty.
His love of literature and his ability to explain complicated matters in a simple way, led to his decision to write it yourself.
Specialist in e-commerce specialist, Goetz Nemeth in this book shows how to set up your shop with VirtueMart, adjust products and related information, edit the data store to provide payment options and more.
He also demonstrates how you can combine the shop with the free enterprise resource planning solution JTL WaWi.
VirtueMart 2 User Manual by Kerry Watson
VirtueMart 2 User Manual is a book for non-technical, and non programming users. Kerry Watson is also a full-time writer on open source (OSC) ecommerce topics.
Improvements and Fixes for the version 2.0.14
- Added caching in the router for better performance
- Fix in the AIO installer, when several virtuemart tables with different prefix are used in the same database
- Save order for manual product ordering in category did not work: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=108844.msg366905#msg366905
- Fix in the router when the router when 'Translate Strings' and the Show checkout steps parameters are checked
- Fix for trigger AddToCart: custom fields can prevent a product being added to the cart if it needs to
- Anonymous user price not showing in front-end http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=109112.30
- Custom field "automatic child variant". If you activate the option "save customfields" for child products, the parent products are not shown on drop down list for child variants in FE.
- TOS infos not displayed when multivendor is enabled
- Preventing a message displayed, when a vendor is changing its ST address in FE
- Install data sample fixed
- Fix for rounding prices: the basePriceWithTax is calculated the same way if it is a Tax or a VatTax calculation rule
- Details
- Written by: Valérie Isaksen
- Category: Latest News
- Hits: 53661
We decided to declare now the end of life for VirtueMart 1.1, and that the version 2 of VirtueMart is not any longer maintaining joomla 1.5 compatibility. We won't remove it and we welcome fixes in the forum, but the core team is not any longer supporting joomla 1.5 capability, because we strongly recommended to use the latest joomla 2.5.x.
Heidelpay for VirtueMart 2
We are proud to announce the new built-in payment method heidelpay.
Future-oriented ePayment-Solutions for successful E-Commerce
Heidelpay is offering the full range of services for electronic payment from one single source. Heidelberger Payment GmbH has received the status of a payment institution for the purpose of the Payment Service Directive (PSD) via the certification of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. As a payment institution, heidelpay complies with all demand on modern payment management. Being in contact with only one business partner you get access to all recent national and international payment methods and benefit from our highly individual service.
We go much further! Heidelpay offers a wide range of risk management functions and fraud protection. Furthermore you can optimize your payment process. For example use the complete debtor management solution to automatically generate invoices or transfer unsettled claims to a debt collection agency.
Extensive benefits, personal consultation and top-quality service ñ our strategy to make your business successful.
List of payment methods and services:
- Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, AMEX Credit Card: MasterCard, Visa, AMEX
- Debit Cards (national & international): VISA Electron, MAESTRO (INT), Postepay (IT), Carte Bleue (FR), 4b(ES), ServiRed(ES),EURO6000(ES), Dankort(DK)
- Prepayment world-wide
- Direct Debit
- Direct Debit with payment security
- Purchase on account (as well secured available if requested)
- Installment payment / financing
- sofortüberweisung.de, giropay, iDeal, EPS, u.a.
- Barpay
- BillSAFE
- MangirKart (TR)
- Paypal
- BaFin-licensed partner for Third-Party-Payment
- Payment Management functions: subscription processing, costumer care systems, debtor management, various payment industry solutions (i.e. Dating, Travel, apparel)
For more informations, also in other languages see here http://heidelpay.de
Fixed and new features
Furthermore we fixed and added the following features:
- mass reference of products to categories or shoppergroups
- joomla plugins in category views
- some eye candies
- if ST same as BT is chosen, ST is hidden
- if pricedisplay per shoppergroup is deactivated, the options for it disappear
- orders list:
- link to user
- email displayed
- more fields are searchable (ordernumber, email, name, address_1, company, zip, ...)
- users list added new fields for the search (email, usertype, group,...)
- new trigger in maincontroller FE
- not logged in users can now have a shoppergroup (with trigger in maincontroller for 3rd party developers)
- better show prices in productdetails
- added Thai states
- added more toggles (shared)
- multivendor
- Fixed calculation rules for multivendor
- Fixed checkout for multivendor
- Frontend editing
- better revenue report
- shows netto
- revenue of a vendor per product
- removed reloading of page, choosing a search parameter
- ask for prices only if first image is not a downloadable file
- added vendor data to register mail
- calculation rules are stored now in the order
- for 3rd party developers, added quantity to product so that customfield plugins can use the quantity
- moved "all in once installer" to the general svn, phing script for creation of the installer is adjusted
- displaying wrong tax in the line of a product (double taxed)
- fatal error when registering
- removed vmAdminInfo
- some more strict standards
- fix for unordered variants
- javascript replaced by jquery
- added opacity for userfield=corefields
- fix price_per_unit in category view
- fix URL in call for price
- added new params in klarna
- module product: fix when config param show_price=no
- custom_price is now in the table a decimal
- custom plugins: fixed display
- fixed js paths
- fixed in migrator setting of memory_limit
- fixed search in category view, using search is now searching also for all child categories, but not displaying the level of the category!
- standard payment, removed standard message "add a message to display with the order"
- customfield images styling less generic => better display
- related products and related categories
- some fixes for Klarna
- Products must check the langtable to know if there is enough data to be stored.
- Unit price fixed when you stored 100 ml or 100 g
- Fixed display of 0.00 price for the string customfield
- Fixed mediahandler the wrong display of the folder paths.
- Adjusted the product list layout, column widths, alignment and similar
- Added featured product column in the product list
- Moved shipment outside of the rules for bill
- added thai states in the install files
- fixed the problem storing non-language tables.
- features and fixes by Maik, big enhancement for homepage settings, columns and rows for recent, featured, topten, and so on. Please check your config.
- more mimetypes, removed use of function mime_content_type if exist (made just trouble)
- update per order lines fixed
- Details
- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Latest News
- Hits: 30656
VirtueMart comes to the joomladay spain in Extremadura to spread knowledge about the best free ecommerce system. Come and visit our free workshops.
VirtueMart comes also to the joomladay germany in Berlin to spread knowledge about the best free ecommerce system. Come and visit our free workshops at the business day friday the 5. October 2012.
Additionally we have a new small subrelease, some features and some fixes.
- mass reference of products to categories or shoppergroups
- joomla plugins in category views
- some eye-candies
- if ST same as BT is chosen, ST is hidden
- if pricedisplay per shoppergroup is deactivated, the options for it disapear
- orders list:
- link to user
- email displayed
- more fields are searchable (ordernumber, email, name, address_1, company, zip, ...)
- users list added new fields for the search (email, usertype, group,...)
- new trigger in maincontroller FE
- not logged in users can now have a shoppergroup (with trigger in maincontroller for 3rd party developers)
- better show prices in productdetails
- added Thai states
- added more toggles (shared)
- multivendor
- Fixed calculation rules for multivendor
- Fixed checkout for multivendor
- Frontend editing
- better revenue report
- shows netto
- revenue of a vendor per product
- removed reloading of page, choosing a search parameter
- ask for prices only if first image is not a downloadable file
- added vendor data to register mail
- calculation rules are stored now in the order
- for 3rd party developers, added quantity to product so that customfield plugins can use the quantity
- moved "all in once installer" to the general svn, phing script for creation of the installer is adjusted
Read more about it here in the forum Release 2.0.11
- Details
- Written by: Valérie Isaksen
- Category: Latest News
- Hits: 43983
The VirtueMart Project is pleased to announce the release of VirtueMart 2.0.10.
This release contains a new payment method: Klarna. Besides this new feature, it is mostly a bug fix release.
It is supposed to be the last version in our 2.0.x series (except possible bug fix releases), before we start our next big step with versions 2.2.
What is Klarna?
Klarna offers invoice based payment solutions in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Customer friendly checkouts, requiring only top-of-the-head information and letting customers pay only after receiving the goods, boost your sales, while Klarna guarantees you get paid - not matter what. Klarna takes care of invoicing and payment related customer care, increasing your sales at no risk and minimal administration. Interested?
Sign up now and save 300€ start-up fee!
- Userfields plugin trigger and calculation plugin triggers enhanced
- Better search for product Ids (up to 30 % faster)
- Optimizing table using more varchars instead of text
- Countries names are translatable.
- Shipmentmethods are clonable
- Better xhtml1.0 compliance
- More valid search fields in BE for products
- Logged person can overwrite the prefilled data in the contact page
- Config setting for recommmend and ask a question are now also blocked in the controller to prevent misuse by spammers
Bug fixes
- Userfield plugins fixed
- Cloning of products fixed
- Unit price
- Fixed the link to remove the ST addresses (also in SEF mode)
- Orderstatus used to send invoice is now a multiselect
- Stockable variant plugin: Prevent stockable printing the options in the cart for every custom field. Do it for just itself instead!
- Profit margin fixed
- Fix for datepicker for chrome
- Fix for manufacturer pagination
- Customfield plugins are now orderable mixed with the normal ones
- Changed customplugin textinput adding the price only when something is entered, regardless the choosen param custom_price_by_letter
- Fixed shopperfields select list, and multibox, added description of the shopperfields as optional tooltip (translatable)
- Added checkSafePath to shopfunctions.php
- Fixed customfields problems in modules
- Created an extra language file for the mediahandler, it is loaded always with one function, fixes also the display of mediahandler in the FE
- Added $basepath when shop is offline
- Added a missing vmhtml to media handler to prevent error, when vendor in FE is edited.
- Changed getProductSingle removed unused parameter
- Added missing langkey for error message,when media has a wrong URL
- All paypal notifications are logged
- Fix to prevent a notice in the cart
You use VirtueMart and you like it? tell us and vote on the JED
Download VirtueMart 2.0.10
Download the ZIP version: be aware it may be too big for your server configuration to use it with the Joomla installer
Download TAR.GZ version: this is a smaller package and easier to upload, but some servers cannot handle tar.gz
The following languages are already included in the AIO: de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, pt-BR, th-TH
You can find all the other available languages in this package: com_virtuemart.2.0.10_languages_extract_first.zip