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- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Hits: 29505
Mambo has got them, Joomla! has lots of it, but VirtueMart had none for a long time: a book about it! Now this has changed:
- Michelle Griffin (PhD) has published a series of english Books about Joomla! (in general) and VirtueMart (in special), available at amazon.com. You can even have it on your Kindle eBook Reader!
- Valérie Isaksen and Thierry Tardif have recently published a french Book about Joomla! and VirtueMart called "Joomla et VirtueMart Réussir sa boutique en ligne". It's also available at amazon.fr.
And there's more to come - not only in english or french: a dutch and a german author (Martin Blasczyk, "Online-Shops with VirtueMart" ) are currently also writing about VirtueMart...Thank you for creating Books! It makes me feel that VirtueMart now gets the attention it deserves and the Software has come to a Level where it allows more and more People to seriously build up their online Business (and VirtueMart still stands strong against other Open Source Shopping Cart Software).
I'm excited about this!
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- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Hits: 31593
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- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Hits: 83517
New Sample Products
Since its first days, phpShop was shipping with Sample Products (Tools like a Chain Saw, Drill and Ladders). These Sample Products had also been imported into VirtueMart and they were never changed since then. We had the idea to build up a new "Sample Store" with different and more modern Products, but it has been very hard to make the right choice, until now-
In the Template Demo Site of Joomlart.com you can find Templates for VirtueMart, which are demo'd with a custom Sample Store Inventory (iPods, iPhone + Mobile Phones). I just asked if we could use those for our new Sample Store and they agreed.
New Template for our Bundle: JA Larix
Much better than the new Sample Products is the new standard Template for our VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle: Joomlart.com kindly allowed us to include their Larix Joomla! Template! Users will be allowed to modify it and use it on their own sites (redistribution and reselling is not allowed).
The VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle will soon be released with the new Template + sample Products, so stay tuned.
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- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Hits: 71939
Many people have been unable to install VirtueMart 1.1.2 since its release. The common error message they were getting was:
There was an error uploading this file to the server. Unable to find install package
Just from this message it's hard to determine what the real problem could be. The main reason is that the component install file (com_virtuemart_1.1.2.j15.zip) is about 2.1 MB in size. Too large, because a maximum upload file size of only 2MB is common for most PHP configurations. If you attempt to upload a larger file, the upload fails, because larger files are not allowed.
How to get around this problem - change the maximum upload file size? There are easier solutions: don't use the web uploader...
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- Written by: Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann
- Hits: 339796
The following blog post is for VirtueMart 1.1 templates. I did a new blog post with a list of templates for VirtueMart 2!
You are looking for a great and innovative Joomla! template for your new webstore? Good that you're here! You will be surprised (at least I was) how many templates for VirtueMart-based sites you can find nowadays. The following blog post will list some of the template vendors with a short description.
Read more: Nice Joomla! Templates for VirtueMart-based Shops